Let's stop pretending poltics aren't personal.
"Clearly you are letting your politics affect your feelings." It's true, politics affects my feelings. Why? Because I am a human being. Because how you vote, what your elected representative says and does, affects REAL people. It affects their lives, their futures, their children's futures. Leaders shape culture. They can shape a culture of hate and intolerance. Or, they can create a culture of equality and acceptance. And REAL people have to live and work and raise families in the cultures they create. Policies shape opportunity. They can limit and deny access to resources. Or, they can build up, open up, and widen circles of care. And REAL people have to navigate how these policies will impact their well being. Your politics, my politics, make a difference for REAL people in every day kinds of ways. And I just happen to know some real people. They are my friends peers mentors family patients neighbors fellow citizens. "Politics"...