
Showing posts from July, 2012

Guest Post: Sarah

Name: Sarah H.  Vocation: Catholic Nun, Sisters of Saint Joseph Currently resides in: Missouri Sarah's Blog [This post is very special to me, because Sarah is my cousin. When Sarah was just out of college she felt a calling into ministry as a nun. Since then, she has worked with marginalized communities inside and outside of the country.  She takes her final vows December 8th, and I could not be more excited for her. She is a beautiful person inside and out, one who strives to live out the gospel everyday.] How have you experienced “calling” as it relates to your ministry? I have a billion stories I could share here. I teach at an all girls’ middle school in the inner city. My school targets an economically disadvantaged population, hoping to break the cycle of poverty through education. I work with girls whose lives I could never imagine. They are hope-filled, strong, smart young ladies with amazing potential in so many arenas. I am glad to be there to give ...

Guest Post: Kellie

Name: Kellie Stapleton  Vocation: Teaching Current Location: Jacksonville, FL Blog: What inspires you to create? The internet is a huge source of inspiration for me and why I love creating. I'm constantly reading and finding new blogs to read. My favorites are probably A Beautiful Mess ( http://abeautifulmess.   Enjoy It ( http://www.eliseblaha.   I Heart Run With Scissors ( http://www. Rockstar Diaries ( http://taza-and-husband.   Bleubird Vintage ( http://bleubirdvintage.   Oh-Shoot ( oh-shoot) and a million more. I'm also a huge fan (ok, addict) of Pinterest. I'm constantly searching for things that strike my fancy and make me want to create. I try very hard to make sure that what I create is my own though, never copying. Sometimes it's hard, but I want my work to ...

Birthdays and Next Steps

Been having fun with my guest blogs— which is you haven't had a chance to read through them, take the time to do so. It was a little over a month ago I realized I know much more fascinating people than myself, with all sorts of life experiences worth collecting. I'm still hoping to get a few more responses  from friends and family, which I will happily post and share with you all. A lot has happened since my last post. Not least of which is that I am moving to DC soon! In just over four weeks to be exact. Secondly, I am now a quarter of a century old. I've never liked the concept of claiming to be one age for the rest of my life, therefore I am not 21 for the 5th time or celebrating the 7th anniversary of my 18th brithday. Next year I will be 26, and heres hoping Jesus returns before I have to face 30. However, according to Theresa "when you're 25 your 30." So thanks for that T. Sadly, 25 came and wen't without much hoopla. Although I can't say I...