Where to begin...


Lately I feel like that shot in a movie, where the camera spins around a stationary —and progressively more exhausted— person with changing scenery behind them, used to show the passing of time. The past few weeks have been a blur. It all began with resigning from work and visiting my dad. Immediately after that,  Marie and June came into town and we spent what felt like a month running all over Florida. After June left, I had half a day to pack for seminary!  The next day my mom and I packed up the car, and now here I am in Washington, DC.

My time here has been good so far. Yesterday I met a few people and unpacked my room. Today my mom and I went to the Holocaust Museum; where after four hours we still didn't see all the exhibits. Tonight we met up with some current and graduated Wesley students; many of whom live, or have lived, in the intentional community here. Did I mention I'm living in an intentional community? Well yes, part of the campus housing here is an intentional community in Mount Vernon Square. It's kind of like a huge studio apartment in an office building, with dorms and apartments built in. There is a common area, large kitchen and laundry room open to the entire community. My roommate is a second or third year student who is sill on vacation for another week or so. The closest metro station is a few blocks down in Chinatown. Our building is across the street from the convention center, and we live only a few blocks away from the Smithsonian American Art Museum. I was also told today we're no further than one mile away from the white house.  I can't quite believe it myself.

It's so strange being in DC. I NEVER thought I'd live in DC. I never even really thought about visiting it! I live on Massachusetts avenue, which is also the street where American University/Wesley Theological Seminary is located. Between my housing and the school is a long row of embassies. It's quite a beautiful area really. And on a more shallow note, I have a HUGE Forever 21 only a block away. Not to mention an Urban Outfitters and 10 Starbucks all within a few blocks of here.

School doesn't start for two weeks. So until then I will be exploring the city, gathering my textbooks, and hopefully getting to know more about my housemates. Another exciting option is writing an article for Purpose Magazine. A few months ago a friend recommended me to the editor a Christian Magazine.  She needed someone to fill an article space for next year, so she asked if I could contribute something. I looked at the theme and the guidelines, and wrote a short 700 word article based on a personal experience in England. Low and behold she loved it and wants to publish it! She also said she needs a writer for every three months! Might be working on another article in my free time here as well... Getting something published has always been a dream of mine.

On the coattails of that excitement. I submitted a comment to the editors of Relevant Magazine. You mate be familiar with Relevant as it is a fantastic Christian magazine, with a increasingly large circulation. You can find the magazine in any Christian bookstore, and even in some bookstores like Booksamillion. In any event, I submitted my reaction to a comment in the last issue on the topic of gay marriage. They wrote me back not to long after and said they wanted to print my comment in the next issue! I will probably scan a picture of the page and put up here sometime for you all to "ooh" and "awww" at my brilliance (and humility).

Ok, I just realized how officially exhausted I am. To close, I just want to say an extra THANK YOU to all my amazing friends and family whose wonderful and inspiring reflections are a reminder to all of us that God is in our midst.

Grace and Peace


  1. Thanks again for sharing...your words are enjoyable and inspiring. So exciting that you are in a commune as you start seminary...hope it is awesome.


    Barbara Driscoll

  2. Leigh! I've nominated you for the Leibster award. Check out my link: http://thequantumview.blogspot.com/2012/08/liebster-award-pt-2.html

  3. The feeling about being in that movie scene? I know that feeling well! Cool catch up post though!


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